Spring 2007

Download Featured Article: Attention Shoppers By Gregory DL Morris 571.73 KB

Also in this Issue:

  • The Man Who Exposed Wall Street: Ferdinand Pecora Takes the First Step Toward Restoring Investors' Confidence in America's Capital Markets After the Crash of 1929, by John Rotondi
  • The Liberty Loan Bond: 2007 Marks the 90th Anniversary of the First War Bond of the 20th Century, by Lawrence D. Schuffman
  • Creative Financing of a Planned Community: Frederick Law Olmstead and the Riverside Improvement Company, by Joan C. Junkus
  • Where's the Beef...From? And How Did It Get Here?: The Morrill Act, the Real McCoy, and How Agriculture Became Big Business, by Gregory DL Morris
  • The Hedge Fund Revolution: The Next Step in the Evolution of Modern Finance, by Scott B. MacDonald
  • Educators' Perspective: 1946: The Year Without Margin, by Dan Cooper and Brian Grinder
  • Book Review: Financial Founding Fathers, by Robert Wright and David J. Cowen
  • Book Review: The Money Men, by H.W. Brands

Summer 2024

Financial History, Issue 150

In this issue:

  • “Money and Promises: American Dreams,” by Paolo Zannoni
  • “Plastic Capitalism: The Deluge,” by Sean H. Vanatta
  • “All the Rage: Historical Context for the Persistence of Poor Customer Service,” by Gregory DL Morris

and more...