Winter 2024

Download Featured Article: "Charlie Munger: The Life and Legacy of our Late, Eminent Friend"

By Lawrence A. Cunningham

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Also in this Issue:

  • "The Unexpected Legacy of a Prudent Man," by Mark Higgins
  • "The Russian Debt Default, 25 Years Later," by Peter C. Earle
  • "Anna Sutherland Bissell: America’s First Female CEO," by Stephanie Forshee
  • "The Birth of the Fixed Income Analyst," by Alfred Mazzorana
  • "An Investment Banker Lights the World," by Daniel C. Munson
  • "A Divorce of Bank and State: The Role of the Independent Treasury in the 19th Century," by Ramon Vasconcellos
  • "The Personal Finances of Presidents, Part 6: Gerald Ford," by Brian Grinder and Dan Cooper
  • Book Review: "The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel," reviewed by James P. Prout

Summer 2024

Financial History, Issue 150

In this issue:

  • “Money and Promises: American Dreams,” by Paolo Zannoni
  • “Plastic Capitalism: The Deluge,” by Sean H. Vanatta
  • “All the Rage: Historical Context for the Persistence of Poor Customer Service,” by Gregory DL Morris

and more...