Spring 2022

Download Featured Article: Religion and the Rise of Capitalism

By Benjamin M. Friedman

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Also in this Issue:

  • "Ways and Means: Trading with the Enemy," by Roger Lowenstein
  • "When WPPSS Went Whoops," by Michael A. Martorelli
  • "Forging the US Mint from the Words of Alexander Hamilton," by Eric Brothers
  • "In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio," by Andrew Lo and Stephen Foerster
  • "Treasury Truisms: America's First Experience with a Steeply Progressive Income Tax," by Daniel C. Munson
  • "Postcards and the Post Office Surplus of 1911," by Brian Grinder and Dan Cooper
  • Book Review: "The Revolution that Wasn't," reviewed by James P. Prout

Summer 2024

Financial History, Issue 150

In this issue:

  • “Money and Promises: American Dreams,” by Paolo Zannoni
  • “Plastic Capitalism: The Deluge,” by Sean H. Vanatta
  • “All the Rage: Historical Context for the Persistence of Poor Customer Service,” by Gregory DL Morris

and more...