The Best NYC Museums You've Never Heard Of

May 18, 2015

The Best NYC Museums You've Never Heard Of

By Jillian Anthony, Conde Nast Traveler

There's more to see below Chambers Street besides the typical tourist spots. Depart from the crowds (as much as you can, anyway) and visit these 10 museums exploring NYC's history, skyscrapers and even its elevators...

...Just a few streets away from the selfie-magnet Charging Bull statue is a museum dedicated to what makes our capitalist society go round: money. Housed in the very appropriate setting of the historic Bank of New York, built in 1929, the banking hall showcases exhibitions on the financial guru of the U.S., Alexander Hamilton, as well as rare items like a 1792 Treasury Bond owned and signed by George Washington, ticker tape from the stock market crash of 1929 and a solid-gold Monopoly game set worth $2 million.


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